Problems With Magnetic Mount Cb Antenna Cobra CB Antenna Issues?

Cobra CB antenna issues? - problems with magnetic mount cb antenna

I recently received a Cobra CB radio 29 ltd BT as a birthday present. Radio Shack also had the 102 "whip antenna. I have worked well in my small antenna magnetic mount antenna, and it has. As soon as I turn on the 102" whip antenna warning against the backdrop of the antenna to my key spot on the radio. I have no idea what could cause this problem and how the warning light antenna. Can anyone help?


helpful bob said...

Can not tell you what is well connected to the mainland with the antenna, so that the light is on, but make sure that the antenna is connected to the line CB and insulate the ground below CB and supply 12 volts and a separate stream .

I hope that the best and helps luck.By how I use it to the band radios for its fleet of trucks and most of his problems on dirt or bad connections bad for reasons relating other antennas.

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