Earth Day Boston If Earth Was The Size Of Jupiter, Give Stats. On Travel, Day, Week, Month, Ect.?
If earth was the size of Jupiter, give stats. on travel, day, week, month, ect.? - earth day boston
In fact, two scenarios:
1). Geography at the same place, same size, same latitiude believe that in a balloon, but the size of Jupiter.
2.) Geography as a "reasonable" with the size of Jupiter. ) For example: New York, Boston, the normal distribution (miles above the earth. According to New York to Boston in the ratio of Jupiter (miles, etc..)
3.) Give an example of travel, Calf. Australia, in the day, week journey aboard aircraft, ships, design and miles of ocean, cities, countries, etc.., Etc.
You do not know if I have already stated that we "egghead" Probally can understand what I'm trying to do, or should know what I mean.
Multiply everything is relatively by 11.2 times and make it, and you have your answers. To start, the horizon distance would be about 120 miles instead of 10 miles. And 747, for driving on 900km/hr be something more than a week's holiday on the West Coast of the United States all along the east coast of Oz
Now the rest is up to you.
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