Back Pain How To Relieve Pain In The Sides And Back Of Ankle?

How to relieve pain in the sides and back of ankle? - back pain

Whenever I was there a sharp pain on the sides of my ankle and back. It hurts, especially in the morning and if I sign up for long periods. Probably hurt skateboarding, but it is something to be done to relieve pain, because it is so for a few days. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

TAKE TO LEAVE long time! to examine their shoes, maybe some support for the intensification of his footsteps. Make sure your shoes are to be supported well by foot. Gently massage your feet, not hard, but it can help. Stretch your legs! Fire (heating without heating in the feet, with prolly warming) for 5 minutes to U to sweat, your body then strech, exspecially his feet for 15 minutes. not run or jump or anything that makes your feet hurt. And do not sit down for long, maybe your school .. but the increase in each class and do what they do when you can feel better. u prolly ddid ankle injury was too easy with him so that he can heal, hold the ice in the ice 24.7 on the tape in his clothing throughout the day and night if u think its broke obtain ray AX.

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