Brazilian Wax Adult About Brazilian Wax? Can You Share Your Experience With Me?

About brazilian wax? Can you share your experience with me? - brazilian wax adult

Hey girls .. (adults only please)

In thinking of Brazil, but have questions ..
The hairs grow back .. Right? .. so .. does it hurt? I'm not talking hair between your lips (sorry if it sounds gross) .. I wonder if they get angry if the sex get .. u know?
I think the beard is growing very little and can give a rash .. I wonder if there the same situation and how to deal with it ..

Apprecciate me if you would share their experiences with the Brazilian wax ..



♥ sohysterical ♥ said...

Okay. So, the hair usually starts strong at the root and becomes thinner towards the end. If you shave, haircut, where s thick at the root, he is itching, if he refuses. When the wax is completely removed, you must not start from zero bite, which means it grows in the order, and in my experience. It does not hurt when he pushed back, but it hurts like crazy to remove it lol. Especially around the lips and clitoris area .. the most sensitive area, the more it hurts to remove the hair.

Be sure to regularly scrub, even before the hair begins to grow, because it reduces the return you get ingrown hairs.

englishw... said...

For me it is sooo worth it. I did it once, and although it was a lovely week, even painful for a few days, and had a painful feeling of freshness for the next day.

Shaving does not hurt, and it is much cheaper. He pushes faster than I thought. I hope that helps.

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