Flame Ionization Detector Application Of Gas Chromatograhy-flAME IONIZATION Detector, Hplc And Uv-vis In Chem And Phamr Industry?
Application of gas chromatograhy-flAME IONIZATION Detector, hplc and uv-vis in chem and phamr industry? - flame ionization detector
Here are some common applications of these techniques:
Gas chromatography - flame ionisation detector, also known as GC-FID. This method is used to mixtures of substances which have a low vapor pressure and analyze the combustion of the situation. GC-FID is often used to check periodically to see a reaction mixture, has disappeared as a specific response. Also used to check the purity of the final product and control of undesirable impurities.
HPLC can be used in a similar way as the GC-FID, except that it is better for the analysis of volatile compounds. HPLC is often used (for Analyzing pharaceutical purity of the final product, or the concentration of a product in a sample of blood physiology, plasma, urine, etc..)
UV-VIS is good to measure the concentration of a compound of the absorption of UV in a matrix that contains no other UV absorbers. Sometimes you can take your finished product and not dissolved in the solvent and determine the measurement of UV absorption, UV-VIS absorption of the merger or the test.
This is cogensIs one of the most common applications. There are many other possible applications of these techniques in the pharmaceutical industry.
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